How Effective Is Your Social Media Funnelling?


You may map the consumer journey using a marketing funnel, from awareness to post-purchase advocacy.

Brands create content and messaging around the many stages of their funnels, and each step must be equally well-conceived if they want their customers to connect with them without friction over time.

A well-designed and highly functioning website, sleek product videos, fascinating case studies, and educational sales content, for instance, are all excellent for an eCommerce business. However, if it doesn’t have a plan for the entire client experience, sales will never increase.


What Is a Social Media Funnel, Exactly?

When a user of social media in digital marketing comes across your company for the first time, they may look into your offerings, investigate the advantages of your goods, buy something from you, or even refer you to their friends. In this approach, social media actually spans the full spectrum of the purchasing process, from awareness to post-purchase advocacy, as we saw above. But how do the social media funnel’s five stages truly look?


  1. Awareness: How do potential customers first become aware of your brand?
  2. Evaluation: How do customers utilise social media to contrast your offerings with those of your rivals?
  3. Acquisition: How will you persuade potential customers to make a purchase?
  4. Engagement: After they’ve made a purchase from your company, how will you use social media to stay in touch with these new customers?
  5. Advocacy: How will you entice or persuade clients to tell their friends about your business?


Building a Loyal Following

In a sense, the objective of the social media marketing funnel is to develop brand-loyal customers. Pixated dives a little further into the 5 stages of the social media funnel to see how you can do that: what can you do at each stage when it comes to both organic and paid ads?


1) Awareness

Organic: Facebook Live, Instagram Live, Ask Me Anything segments on Reddit, newsletters, contests, YouTube videos, guest posts on external blogs, group chats on LinkedIn, and Facebook

Paid: Email newsletters, influence marketing, and ads on Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and YouTube.

2)Evaluation Organic: Establish an Instagram or Pinterest store; upload product demonstrations to YouTube; publish good reviews and endorsements; tweet customer service inquiries; have a CEO-led Ask Me Anything session on Reddit.

Paid: Sponsor product reviews, third-party blog posts, and retargeting advertising with product information and insights on Facebook and Instagram.

  1. Organic Acquisition: Run social media competitions with cash prizes, time-limited promotions, and email signups offering free ebooks or guides.

Paid: Facebook remarketing, Instagram and Facebook lead advertisements, as well as Pinterest buy buttons.

4) Organic Engagement: Organise Twitter conversations; develop offers for current clients, including presale possibilities; respond to queries on Facebook, and during live sessions on Instagram.

Paid: Sponsored Facebook posts, PR pitches, and exclusive product launches

5) Organic Advocacy: Establish client communities, fan sites, and group chats; Hire client representatives; start customer-only competitions or referral marketing with rewards.

Paid: It’s probably better to concentrate the majority of your marketing money on organic advertisements at this point in the funnel. Sincere brand evangelists will gladly endorse you and speak your praises of their own volition, after all!


Are you using social media to promote your business and increase sales?

Of course, traditional sales funnels have their place and time. However, a social media marketing funnel is a very efficient approach to establish credibility, engage your audience, and grow a loyal following for your business.


Your social media marketing funnel won’t be very effective, though, unless each stage serves a specific objective. Too many marketers think they only need to spend money on a few.